Despite the hardships and complexities that persisted throughout 2021, QCT has managed to keep its innovation momentum, attaining significant milestones and performance world records. At the beginning of 2022, let’s take a quick review of the past year as we reset our route to accelerating 5G x AI transformation.
QCT 5G Open Lab Operational to Promote 5G Solution Integration
QCT unveiled its 5G Open Lab last December, which will act as an incubation center to promote the development of local 5G solutions through industrial exchanges and integration of 5G application scenarios. Partners from different sectors are invited to leverage QCT private network equipment to carry out end-to-end development and testing.
Simplifying Your Journey to a Software-defined Data Center
Software-defined storage provides the storage efficiency and high scalability indispensable for a cloud environment that ensures your businesses’ competitiveness. But how do you find the right solution? Ask QCT, as we have forged strong partnerships with VMware and Intel to provide performance optimized virtual storage solutions.